Guidelines on using the High School Graduation Plan Document
Have students complete the top portion of the document with their personal information including:
Student Name
Name of School in which student currently attends
Student ID number
Date of birth
Email address
Career Goal
Have student select the appropriate course selection in each area of academic discipline in the corresponding years in which they have completed those courses.
Have students input the elective course titles they have taken in the appropriate year
Allow students to include any notes they feel are pertinent to the coursework they completed in any given year of their academic history
Have students save document as PDF
Forms will automatically save as HighSchoolGraduationPlan-Student’s Name
But you can also have students change this file name if you prefer a different identifier
Direct students to email their saved documents to their assigned Counselors
From this point, Counselors will receive a fully dynamic document that is specific to each individual student in their caseload.
If there are any discrepancies between the data the student has provided and their transcripts, the Counselors can make adjustments with one click of a button.
Counselors can then complete the Counselor information on the second page of the document by making selections appropriate for each individual student. They can identify:
Endorsement selections and completion of the coursework requirements for those endorsements
Selection of which STAAR EOC exams the student has already completed successfully
Test scores on the PAST, SAT, or ACT
College readiness completion in math, reading, and writing
Which post-secondary applications the student has completed
Which post-secondary financial aid information the student has obtained, and
Input any additional notes that are important to each individual student
The forms can then be saved digitally or printed out for signature collection and to be as part of each student’s individual records.